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BBC Panorama: Kids in Crisis

On the 24 September BBC Panorama  aired the programme Kids in Crisis which followed presenter Sean Fletcher, whose own teenage son has been hospitalised with severe obsessive compulsive disorder, as he investigates Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. The ACP Contributed in a number of ways to the Panorama programme, which included an interview with our CEO, Nick Waggett. 

Impact Assessment - Value of training child psychotherapists

We have completed an Impact Assessment which demonstrates the Value of the NHS funding the training of child Psychotherapists, and what would be lost were the current funding arrangements to be changed in any significant way. This has been sent to the leaders of Health Education England, senior management and policy makers in the NHS and the Department of Health, leaders of organisations that have influence over government polict and relevant politicians of all parties and members of the House of Lords.

Five Year Forward View for Mental Health

The ACP responded to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Mental Health inquiry into the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health. The ACP’s response focussed specifically on the 5YFV for mental health’s plans for improving services for children and young people (CYP).  Within this we highlighted the needs of vulnerable CYP with the most severe, complex and enduring mental health difficulties who require specialist services, and a highly skilled workforce in order to deliver those services.

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