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Become an ACP Friend

We are delighted that you are interested in joining us as an ACP Friend

ACP Friends is open to anyone who wants to learn more about child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy and the work of the ACP. We hope very much that ACP Friends will find this connection to the Association helpful in thinking about their own work, personal or professional development.

The ACP is the professional body and Accredited Register for Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists in the UK. We have been working to improve the mental health of infants, children, young people and families since 1949. The launch of ACP Friends in 2022 is the next step in sharing our specialist knowledge and practice with the wider professional and public community.

Who are the ACP Friends?

Anyone over the age of 18 can be an ACP Friend and we think joining us in this way will be of particular interest to those working with infants, children, young people and families. This could be in any role in any setting across health, social care, education, early years, youth justice and across the public, private and voluntary sectors.

You might also be someone who is training to work with children, or a student interested in this as a possible career. We also welcome as ACP Friends those with a more general interest in psychoanalytic approaches to working with children including parents, carers, policy makers, journalists and many others.

Benefits for ACP Friends

For an annual fee of just £40 you will be entitled to:

  • Events: You will be invited to a variety of on-line seminars and workshops during the year that we hope will support your personal and professional development and provide more understanding of psychoanalytic approaches to the mental health of infants, children, young people and families.  
  • Journals: Friends will gain access to the Journal of Child Psychotherapy which is the official scientific journal of the Association of Child Psychotherapists and is published three times a year. It is an important meeting point for theoretical and clinical discussions and debates in the field of child psychotherapy, both in the UK and internationally. You will also have access to the International Journal of Infant Observation and the Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.
  • Friends Bulletin: You will receive an annual Bulletin focussed on particular issues and topics that we hope will be of interest to Friends. Articles will cover many of the issues relevant to the lives of infants, children and young people, and to people working with or supporting them.
  • Supervision and Consultation: Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists have a long history of supporting others to think about the complexities of work with infants, children and young people, and with their parents or carers, and through this to improve the support or services they provide. We are offering a new service to ACP Friends through which you will be able to access supervision or consultation with one of our experienced members. 

We look forward to connecting with you.

Join ACP Friends here