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Live Company: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Autistic, Borderline, Deprived and Abused Children - Alvarez, Anne (1992) 

Children whose minds as well as bodies have been damaged by the intrusions of sexual abuse, violence or neglect, and others, quite different, who are handicapped by their own mysterious sensitivities to more minor deprivations, may experience a type of black despair and cynicism that require long-term treatment and test the stamina of the psychotherapist to the utmost. 

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The Thinking Heart: Three Levels of Psychoanalytic Work in Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents - Alvarez, Anne (2012)

How do we talk about feelings to children who are cut off from feeling? How do we raise hope and a sense of safety in despairing and terrified children without offering false hope? How do we reach the unreachable child and interest the hardened child?

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Key Papers from the Journal of Child Psychotherapy - Barrows, Paul (2004)

Papers previously not easily attainable are grouped thematically to cover the entire range of work represented in the journal, and presented in one volume accessible to students and professionals alike. This volume contains papers by Frances Tustin, Anne Alvarez and Dilys Daws.

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Reflecting on Reality: Psychotherapists at Work in Primary Care - Blake, Sue; Daws, Dilys & Launer, John (2005)

This innovative book looks at how psychotherapists can make use of their skills in primary care. It examines how therapists, family physicians and other primary care professionals can all learn from each other through clinical collaboration.

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An Independent Practitioner’s Introduction to Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy.  Playing With Ideas - Dowling, Dowling (2019)

This book is a comprehensive guide to child and adolescent psychotherapy, taking the practitioner from the initial meeting through the therapeutic process with young people of different ages, to the ending of psychotherapy. 

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Love the Wild Swan: The Selected Works of Judith Edwards - Edwards, Judith (2017)

Love the Wild Swan is the culmination of thirty years of clinical and teaching experience, undertaken by child and adolescent psychotherapist Judith Edwards.

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On Children Who Privilege the Body. Reflections of an Independent Psychotherapist - Horne, Anne (2019)

This book brings together selected papers from the career of Ann Horne and draws upon her considerable experience in the field of child and adolescent mental health.   

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The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic Approaches - Lanyado, Monica & Horne, Ann (2009)

This updated edition of The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy reflects the many changes in the profession. It includes additional chapters on neuroscience, work with ‘looked after children’ and with foster parents, working in schools. Enlarged chapters on research, attachment theory, work with parents, and developments in child and adolescent psychotherapy around the world. 

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Work Discussion: Learning from Reflective Practice in Work with Children and Families - Rustin, Margaret & Bradley, Jonathan (2008)

This book provides the history, theory, and practice of work discussion as developed at the Tavistock Clinic. It describes the evolution and contemporary practice of work discussion in relation to a wide range of professional work with children, adolescents, and families.

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