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ACP Response to PIPUK Call to Action: Developing a shared framework

Parent Infant Partnership (PIPUK) have conducted, on behalf of the Conception to Age 2:First 1001 Days All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG), a call to action in order to develop a shared framework.

At the All Party Parliamentary Group meeting held on November 28th, Chair of the APPG, Tim Loughton MP, called on the organisations present , and the wider sector to develop a shared framework around infant mental health. Tim argued that “Whilst there is widespread agreement, we often use different concepts to describe babies’ early experiences and development…As we all try and encourage and support national and local decision makers to take action, it would be helpful to have a shared narrative about what infant mental health is, what factors influence it, and why it matters. This should be based in the best evidence. It should communicate why mental health in the early years should be something everyone is concerned about.”

“Tim asked PIPUK as the secretariat for the first 1001 days APPG to bring the sector together to develop a jointly owned framework, that communicates these things clearly and simply, on one page that we can all share as widely as possible. “I’d like to see this page on the pin boards of civil servants’ and local authority offices up and down the country."

View our response here

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