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Parent-Infant Psychotherapy

The Practice of Psychoanalytic Parent-Infant Psychotherapy: Claiming the Baby - Baradon, Tessa et al. (2015)

The Practice of Psychoanalytic Parent-Infant Psychotherapy is a comprehensive handbook, addressing the provision of therapeutic help for babies and their parents when their attachment relationship is troubled and a risk is posed to the baby's development. Drawing on clinical and research data from neuroscience, attachment and psychoanalysis, the book presents a clinical treatment approach that is up-to-date, flexible and sophisticated, whilst also being clear and easy to understand.

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Working With Fathers in Psychoanalytic Parent-Infant Psychotherapy - Baradon, Tessa eds. (2019)

Working With Fathers in Psychoanalytic Parent-Infant Psychotherapy interfaces theoretical ideas about fatherhood and their incorporation into the clinical practice of psychoanalytic parent-infant psychotherapy. Often, when a family attends parent-infant psychotherapy, issues of the father are eclipsed by attention to the mother, who is usually the identified patient.

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What can the matter be: Therapeutic Interventions with Parents, Infants and Young Children - Emanuel, Louise & Bradley, Elizabeth (2008)

This volume is the result of over twenty years of therapeutic interventions with families within the Tavistock Clinic's Under Fives Service. It describes in detail the process of understanding young children's communications and behaviour and the dynamics of family relationships within the consulting room in a lively, accessible style.

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Innovations of Parent-Infant Psychotherapy - Pozzi-Monzo, Maria & Tydeman, Beverley (2007)

Innovations in Parent-Infant Psychotherapy has emerged from the authors' and contributors' excitement about the proliferation of parent-infant psychotherapy work around the world. This model of parent-infant work has increasingly been taking place in community settings, adapting to the needs of emotionally deprived people such as refugees and ethnically diverse groups.

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Neurodevelopmental Parent-Infant Psychotherapy and Mindfulness - Pozzi Monzo, Maria (2019)

This innovative book explains and introduces the use of mindfulness in therapeutic work with parents and babies, covering issues such as feeding, crying, sleeping and relating, as well as other developmental challenges which affect family life, as practiced in both clinical sessions and in the home.

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Infant-Parent Psychotherapy: A Handbook - Stella, Acquarone (2004) 

This is a comprehensive handbook, full of vital information on the theory and practice of infant-parent psychotherapy, that will revolutionise the treatment of babies.

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