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Board of Directors

The ACP is organised as a private company limited by guarantee and governed by a Board of Directors. It is governed according to the Rules of the Association.

The Board is responsible for ensuring the organisation meets its core functions of protecting the public and promoting the profession, as well as ensuring the good governance of the organisation.  

The Board sets the ACP’s strategic vision and policy and provides strong leadership to guide the organisation in delivering its objectives.  

The Board is led by the Chair, who is a member of the ACP, and is comprised of Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors and includes both child psychotherapists and lay members.  Summary minutes of Board meetings can be found here.

The Board is accountable to the membership, primarily through the mechanism of the Annual General Meeting, and also through regular communications to the membership and, where appropriate, consultation on specific questions.  The AGM minutes and annual reports can be found here

ACP Board 

  • Chair  
  • Vice-Chair   
  • Director of Finance/Treasurer   
  • Director of Professional Standards  
  • Director of Training  
  • Director of Community Matters
  • Director of Scientific Development   
  • 2-4 Lay Member Non-Executive Directors   
  • 2-4 Child Psychotherapist Non-Executive Directors   
  • Chief Executive (Non-voting)   

Each Executive Director is responsible for a specific area of the organisation. They are supported by four committees and a number of sub-groups which cover the areas of professional standards, training, scientific development, and operations and liaison 

ACP Governance Structure