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Coalition for Inclusion and Anti-Oppressive Practice

The Coalition brings together organisations with a shared mission to improve diversity within the counselling, psychotherapy and psychological therapy professions. 

The Association of Child Psychotherapists is an active member of the Coalition. 


To improve the diversity in the counselling, psychotherapy and psychology professions by challenging the whole 
sector to be anti-oppressive and working towards realising or achieving the status where the profession is 
representative of the communities it serves. This requires, working with organisations involved in the delivery of 
courses in psychological therapies all the way through to organisations providing the course accreditations and 
membership bodies. The Coalition aims to broaden the diversity of counselling/psychotherapy/psychology professions 
at every stage from the students studying psychological therapies, all the way to service providers and qualified 
professionals working in the field. The Equality Act enshrines in law our obligation to ensure protection from 
discrimination for all those with any of the protected characteristics. The initial focus is on race and ethnicity but this 
does not diminish our legal and moral obligation to those with other protected and non-protected characteristics and 
their intersections.

Race is Complicated - a toolkit for psychological therapies training

The Coalition partners have commissioned a toolkit to support the development of skills, knowledge and understanding for delivering inclusive counselling and psychotherapy training across a range of learning organisations. The Toolkit can be downloaded for free.