This is a register of psychoanalytically trained Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists, trained to work with children and young people from 0-25 years.
The ACP regulates the training and practice standards of its members working across the public, voluntary and private sectors. Some of our registrants may also have trained to work with adults or in other specialisms and therefore may be registered with other statutory and professional bodies. Links to such organisations can be found on our useful links page under 'Professional Bodies'
Categories of ACP membership
ACP members can be registered in one of the following categories: Honoured Full Members, Full Members, Honoured Not Working Members, Not Working Members, Overseas Members and Trainee Members.
For a full description of the categories please go to
Professional Standards Authority accreditation and use of the quality mark only applies to registrants practising within the UK.
Registration status
ACP members registration status can be one of the following: Registered, Registration due, CPD 20XX-XX outstanding, Pending, Lapsed
For a full description of each status please go to
An asterisk (*) by a member's name indicates that they have been through the ACP disciplinary procedures and been found in breach of our Code of Ethics. A summary of the breach and details of the sanctions can be found at
Members under disciplinary sanctions
An ACP Disciplinary Panel shall have the power to impose sanctions for those members who have been found to have breached the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics.
The nature of the sanction will be commensurate with the breach committed. The sanctions will begin when the letter of sanction has been received by the member and after the period within which an appeal could be made unless the Member has been excluded. The following sanctions may be imposed:
Expelled Member from the Association:
- The member will cease to be a member of the ACP from 5 working days after the date of the letter of expulsion posted to the Member and will therefore be unable to practice under the protection of the organisation.
- Any former Member who has been expelled from membership by a Disciplinary Panel may, on any date after two years from the date of expulsion, apply in writing to the Association for restoration of membership.
To suspend member from the Association:
- To suspend the member from membership of the Association for a specified period of up to 3 years;
To impose specific conditions for practice:
- To require that the member continue in membership or continue in practice subject to conditions to be specified for a period to be specified. Conditions may include requirements as to personal health, further training and conditions, restrictions and requirements regarding the member’s participation in the activities of the Association (e.g. attendance at specified meetings or holding office or membership of official ACP groups.
To advise on best practice:
- To formally warn the Member in writing as to matters specified; and to formally advise the Member and/or counsel her/him in writing as to matter.