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Audit, training and research

In the last years Child & Adolescent Psychotherapists have become increasingly concerned with the importance and need for research in the profession. There is a growing awareness and knowledge in research, with Child & Adolescent Psychotherapists joining in large scale research projects and being involved in smaller scale and independent ones.  The Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy became a doctoral programme in (add year), and there is thus a growing expertise in designing and carrying out research that can be transferred to the work place.

Child & Adolescent Psychotherapists have been well placed within NHS services, taking on senior roles that, amongst others, involve auditing services and data collection. This expertise puts Child & Adolescent Psychotherapists in a good position to join and provide advice to paediatric teams as to the psychological aspects considered in audits and research.

Child & Adolescent Psychotherapists working in paediatric teams are also involved in providing teaching to medical and nursing staff on child development and mental health issues. This is a cost-effective way of spreading the knowledge and awareness on mental health issues, supporting prevention and timely interventions as well as promoting children’s’ well-being in a medical setting.

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