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Clone of Refugee Supported Clinical Network - Related Organisations

Academic Institutions and professional organisations which have relevant trainings, workshops, conferences and events.

The Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees (CTAR)

University of East London –Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB)

University of Essex

National Improving Mental Health Support for Asylum Seekers and Refugees Summit

The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH)

The Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust

- The Refugee Service

- Refugee Forum (monthly)

- The Trauma Unit

Tavistock Immigration Legal Service


National Organisations/Networks working with Refugees/migrants

British Red Cross

- Refugees and Befriending Project (runs in 4 Boroughs: Lewisham, Islington, Hammersmith and Croydon)

- London International Family Tracing

- Destitution Project, based in Hackney

The Children’s Society (TCS)

- London Region Refugee and Homelessness Team, based in Newham

- Refugees & Migrants Service

Children and Families Across Borders

City of Sanctuary national network 

Jesuit Refugee Service in the U.K.

- has a centre in East London


Refugee Action

Refugee Children’s Consortium

(British) Refugee Council

Policy and Engagement Team

- Advocacy Network, which individuals and organisations can join, and which is a platform where information and ideas are exchanged and people can come together to discuss issues facing refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK and also how to work together to improve policy and practice.

- Destitution and accessing health care

-Therapeutic Services

Children’s Section Refugee Council

The Children’s Section has offices and surgeries across England

-Trafficked Girls and Young Women’s Project

-Trafficked Boys and Young Men’s Project

- Children’s Panel

My view –children’s therapy

Policy and Engagement Team

The Scottish Refugee Council

The Welsh Refugee Council

Save The Children


Refugee (and related) Community Organisations (RCOs) and networks 

Africans Unite Against Child Abuse (AFRUCA)

Network for Eritrean Women –UK

Paiwand/Afghan Association Paiwand Services

Pan African housing Co-op

Sahil housing Association for the Somali Community

Somali Youth Development Centre

Syrian Charities and Associations Network (SCAN)


London based organisations & networks working with/for refugees

Asylum Help

Asylum Support

Baobab Centre for Young survivors in Exile

Calais Resilience Collective


Camden City of Sanctuary

Freedom From Torture

Hackney Migrant Centre

Help4Refugee Children

Helen Bamber Foundation

Help Refugees and Citizens UK

Holy Cross Centre (St. Pancras Refugee Centre)

Islington Refugee Forum

Most local councils have a Council For Voluntary Action so it would be worth following up what is available in your area)

London Churches Refugee Fund

Migration Museum

Migrants Resource Centre

Migrants Rights Network


Notre Dame Refugee Centre

Refugee Therapy Centre


-RISE employment service for refugees



– places skilled refugees in private sector employment


Relevant local organisations/charities/networks throughout the U.K.

N.B. local Quakers/Friends groups often work closely with refugees and asylum seekers

Aberdeen City of Sanctuary

Birmingham City of Sanctuary 

Bournemouth City of Sanctuary

Bristol City of Sanctuary

Canterbury Welcomes Refugees

Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre

Durham City of Sanctuary

East Lothian City of Sanctuary

Edinburgh City of Sanctuary

Glasgow City of Sanctuary

Huddersfield City of Sanctuary

Places of Sanctuary Ireland

(as of September 2018, 12 towns included)

Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN)

Kings Heath Action for Refugees

Sanctuary Kirklees

Lancaster City of Sanctuary

Ledbury Refugee Support

Leeds City of Sanctuary

Leicester City of Sanctuary

Loughborough Town of Sanctuary

Sheffield City of Sanctuary

Southampton City of Sanctuary

Swindon The Harbour Project

Universities of Sanctuary

Wakefield City of Sanctuary

Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary

York City of Sanctuary

Sanctuary in Yorkshire & Humber


International Bodies with services of relevance to refugees

European Human Rights Commission

Doctors of the World

International Rescue Committee

The International Organisation for Migration

Medecins Sans Frontieres

Migrant Offshore Aid Station

Red Cross Europe

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

World Vision


Arts organisations/collectives/groups/charities

Another Kind of Girl Collective

Child Migrant Stories: Voices Past and Present

Ice and Fire’– actors for human rights