The Mixed Up Chorus sings to bring together people different beliefs, faiths, cultures and life experiences to promote understanding and empathy. It is an unauditioned choir.
The choir is the lead in the project Singing our Lives, set up by the Musical Director Jeremy Haneman and Director Holly Jones, which has involved collaborations with a number of other choirs e.g. Freedom from Torture, Islington Refugee Choir, Thurrock Royal Opera Chorus. We took part in Refugee Week last year and this year at the Southbank Centre and will no doubt be doing so again next year. We also sang with The Muslim Choral Ensemble. Sri Lanka. It is the first ensemble;e of its type South Asia and possibly the world. They perform spiritual and devotional songs in praise of God and the Prophet Mohammed as well as Sufi songs.
We are a friendly and welcoming group of people.
The choir practices on Tuesday evenings, 7-9.00pm at Hargrave Hall, Hargrave Rd, N195SP
We are recruiting for new members and there are free sessions on Tuesday 17th and 24th September. If you or people you know might be interested do come along.