ACP member-only event
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Safeguarding Level 3 Training - March 2025
This training is designed to address the safeguarding implications for child psychotherapists in the work that they do with children and young people. It acknowledges the ethical, clinical and legal dilemmas inherent in making decisions about safeguarding in the context of the therapeutic relationship.
Among the topics discussed are:
- Confidentiality and information sharing
- Understanding the role and procedures of the police and the local authority when a safeguarding concern is raised
- Preserving the therapeutic relationship with the child
- What to expect if a safeguarding concern is made against the therapist
By the end of the session participants will have had the opportunity to:
- Identify what to do if they have concerns about a child, including those who are suffering, or at risk of suffering significant harm
- Enhance their skills in responding to risk and making sound decisions about when and how to refer to Children’s Services
- Access some basic information about signs and indicators of abuse and the legislative framework within which the child’s welfare is safeguarded and promoted
- Learn about dealing with disclosures from children and young people
- Explore some of the dilemmas around consent
- Understand about risk to themselves as professionals
In addition to the teaching input there is ample time given to case studies and discussion in large and small groups.
About the Trainer
Gretchen Precey is an independent social worker, trainer and consultant specialising in child protection. She has provided training nationally for child welfare professionals for the past 25 years.
Safeguarding Certificates: Safeguarding certificates will be issued to attendees on completion of the full course.
Recording policy: No part of this training will be recorded for future viewing.
Cancellation policy: The fee is non-refundable.