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ACP member-only event

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18:30 - 20:00

Research Matters Forum - Building research confidence and competence: What is the value of ‘Service-Related Projects’ for child psychotherapy trainees and CAMHS services?

In this Research Matters Forum, research supervisors and trainees from the Independent Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy Training (a UCL doctorate delivered in partnership between IPCAPA and Anna Freud), will explore the challenges and benefits to both students and CAMHS services, of trainees undertaking Service-Related Projects (SRPs) within their clinical placements.

These year-long projects are designed to help first-year trainees to develop research and evaluation skills, whilst investigating an aspect of clinical service provision/practice that is of interest and relevance to them and their placement. Students are encouraged to develop their idea in collaboration with their Service Supervisor, and to present their findings to CAMHS multi-disciplinary colleagues.

In this presentation, the value of SRPs are explored, both as a learning experience for trainees and as a potential resource for services, investigating issues such as waiting times, referral/treatment pathways, and child psychotherapy caseloads. It is hoped this presentation will lead to wider discussions about the relationship between student research and clinical services, that will be of interest not only to those involved in producing these projects, but to the child psychotherapy membership more broadly.

The presentation will be facilitated by Dr Mel Serlin and team, and chaired by Dr Elena Della Rosa, Deputy Director of Scientific Research.

Dr Mel Serlin

Mel is a Tavistock-trained child and adolescent psychotherapist, who joined Anna Freud in 2023 as Academic Programme Director for the Doctorate in Independent Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. Mel leads a team of research supervisors at Anna Freud and works in close partnership with Clinical Course Director Elizabeth Murphy and the IPCAPA team at the bpf to deliver this integrated programme.

Dr Elena Della Rosa

Elena trained at the Tavistock Centre, has worked in the NHS and has been teaching at the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Essex. She is currently working in private practice. She has an interest in research and is a research supervisor on the clinical training at the Tavistock. She is Deputy Director of the Scientific Committee at the ACP.



The aim of this bi-monthly forum is to bring together child psychotherapists who want to learn more about research, to enhance their knowledge, skills and to find other colleagues who may be interested in similar topics for potential collaboration.

The research carried out by members has been spurred by their clinical practice and interest in clinical issues. This discussion forum will enable dialogue on how to tackle clinical dilemmas and ethical practice in research.