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ACP Refugee Supported Clinical Network - Resources

The Refugee supported clinical network has compiled a list of papers, articles and reading materials which members may find of use and interest.

We hope that members contribute to this list, so that it becomes a dynamic resource. Please let us know here if you'd like to contribute something.


White innocence in the Black Mediterranean: hospitality and the erasure of history

Ida Danewid (2017) Third World Quaterly, 38:7, 1674-1689


The complex mental health needs of refugees

(video 2017) Medecins san Frontieres


A visit to the refugee camp in Calais

Ruth Glover


Refugee Children and Families: supporting psychological well-being and positive adaptation following migration 

Toby Measham and colleagues Curr. Probl. Paediatr. Adolesc. Health Care August 2014:44:208-215


Re-uniting families in the chaos of the refugee crisis: medico-legal assessment of unaccompanied refugee minors in the Calais Jungle (mental health and legal perspectives)

Jacob Ellis, Susannah Fairweather, Mark Scott, Laura Griffiths (2017) International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare


Challenges and impossibilities of ‘standing alongside’ in an intolerable context: learning from refugees and volunteers in the Calais camp

Charlotte Burck and Gillian Hughes (2018) Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2018, Vol. 23(2) 223-237


Far from battle but still at war: troubled refugee children in school

Dick Blackwell and Sheila Melzak, March 2000


Making Life Impossible: how the needs of destitute migrant children are going unmet  

(April 2016) Zoe Dexter, Lucy Capron & Lucy Gregg, The Children’s Society


Guidelines for psychologists working with refugees and asylum seekers in the UK: a summary 

(February 2018) The British Psychological Society


Guidance on working with community organisations for psychologists

(2017) London Community Psychology Network


Refugee Council Impact Report 2016-17


ACP Conference Presentations June 2017

Shifting Ground – The child without a family in a strange new community - Baobab group presentation

Are we alone here? Thoughts and challenges of finding one’s own place within a group of unaccompanied asylum seeking minors - Korina Soldatic & Carlos Vasquez