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CAPT in Neonatal Units

The Role and Contribution of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists in the Neonatal Unit 

ACP Position Statement March 2023

This statement contributes to ongoing discussions and developments in the neonatal workforce and the increasing recognition of the centrality of the psychological professions to the care of babies and their families. Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists (CAPTs) emphasise the value of a multi-disciplinary mental health workforce embedded in neonatal wards, with CAPT as an integral part of psychological provision. Historically CAPT has made a significant contribution to the field, and the makeup of the current workforce reflects this, but there are gaps in provision in parts of the UK.

The statement sets out the role and contribution of CAPTs in response to the report of the Operational Delivery Network (ODN) Psychology Leads in July 2022, entitled: ‘Psychology Staffing on the Neonatal Unit - Recommendations for Psychological Provision’. 

It was produced for the ACP by Andrea Pedraz, Danika Solieri and Stephen Baker with support from Nick Waggett. Please contact Andrea Pedraz, Lead of the ACP Clinical Network for Paediatric Psychotherapy  In addition to the main report we have produced a summary of the key points and also an infographic showing the training pathway for Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists.